I'm pretty sure I have a sinus infection. I've never had one before so Sunday when I started having pain in my forehead above my right eyebrow I just thought I was maybe a low-grade migraine in a slightly different place then normal. Pain on my right side for migraines is very common for me, though it's normally in the temple or behind the eye.
Sunday, Monday and now today it's still there and last night I didn't sleep at all. The pain was much worse all night and I have been alternating between roasting and freezing and just sweating all night. I am normally very cool temperature wise so for me to be sweating means a fever.
Google confirms my symptoms pretty much exactly as sinisitus or, acute sinus infection. Stress, seasonal allergens and other factors can be a cause. Pollen has been brutal for a couple weeks now and well I think stress is a given.
Of course with no health insurance I don't have access to get an antibiotic and won't have cash for a walk-in until at least Friday when we get paid. I am going to try the home care advice I found and just hope it will be enough.
Anyone with any tips or experience with sinus infections, I'd love to get your feedback on what might help. This is new to me so I'm open to suggestions.
Sucks being sick and this pain my my forehead is miserable. With the no sleeping and fever I also had to call into work. I am heading back to bed now but ugh...not sure how much luck I'm going to have sleeping seeing as it didn't work at all last night but I have got to try. I feel like I've been run over by a bus.
Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
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