Thankfully I woke up this morning feeling better. Most of the pain and pressure in my forehead had gone away. It had felt like I had a golfball lodged there and the pain was relentless. Nothig helped. Yesterday it was probably about an 8 on a scale of 1-10 and today more like a 3 or 4. So big improvement. My nose is a little sniffly but I think that's a good thing since that's the crap coming out. I was even able to sleep pretty well last night. Still worn out a little but overall feeling better.
I'm glad it was better today because it seemed like nothing was helping yesterday and I was getting worried about how I was going to afford a dr appointment to get antibiotics.
So back to work tomorrow. I didn't go today because Wednesday is my day off. It will be weird going back as it always is when you're off and have been sick but it should be ok.
Thanks for the suggestions. I think it definetly helped. Anyway just wanted to give a quick update. Watching Playoff hockey right now so I'm going to get back to that.
25 days til my birthday. Still bummed about it more then anything. : ( oh well don't want to get all sad about that right now.
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