27 year old Pagan female who lives in Florida with her guy and two cats, loves Disney, reads fanatically, tinkers in photography and believes growing up is overrated.




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There are people on the net that have nothing better to do with their time then be nasty to other people online. They post rude comments, spend hours a day talking about sites they hate so much, that they well, spend hours a day talking about them. (lame) They mock the owners and posters for their opinions and their right to free speech. They expect everyone to fit into their narrow-minded little world view or else they throw a temper tantrum.

To these people I say grow up.

Here's a bit of info people...the web is a HUGE place. If you don't like what I say here, or who I am, or what I do, or talk about, or what I look like, or the color of my hair, or whatever asinine thing you dwell on, go somewhere else. It's really, really easy. Honest. You just click the little "x" in the corner of your browser and *poof* the offending, big, mean and nasty site has disappeared.

I pay for this site. It's mine. That means I can use it for whatever the hell I want to. Don't like it if I'm bitching about something in my life? Oh fucking well. Go somewhere else. Think I'm stupid for expressing my thoughts? Too fucking bad, don't read them. Somewhere along the line, someone forgot this simple fact: Live and let live Don't like me, cool, fine, whatever, I don't care. This journal is NOT for you. It's for me. I'm not in it for popularity or fame or anything stupid like that. I write it because I need to write and express myself and get things out of my head sometimes. So read or don't, it doesn't matter, but don't waste my time (or yours) bitching about it.

*gets off soapbox*

Tooth Drive: I need to raise over $850 for critically needed dental work. I'll be listing my hand made jewelry, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and horns for sale to try to raise the desperately needed funds. Every order helps. I can accept paypal payments at webmaster@giveneyestosee.com or check/money orders at: M. Turner PO Box 1484, Elfers, FL 34684 Thank you for your help and support.
I've also set up a tooth fund for anyone wanted to donate without purchase.

Need a good webhost?
Try DreamHost. Use my linkI'll get a referal credit which goes straight into the Tooth Fund as well.

Affiliate recommendation: real sterling jewelry and genuine gemstones free.
Just pay flat $5.99 shipping. Seriously not a scam. I get 50 cents if you use my link.

wishlist and mailing address

Monday, April 18, 2005

Foiled by $9.99
So I have a deluge of updates to make. You know, it's been awhile since there was a real meat-and-bones entry. I've got stuff to say and, as usual, photos to share. But wait! What's this? I plug in my camera to upload my photos and....hu. Well. It's not supposed to do that.

Normally, when I plug it in to the usb port, and turn the camera on, the little Nikon screen comes up and then Windows asks me what I'd like to do next. Only this time, Windows gave me an oddball "usb power surge" error as well as turning off the hub. Fine, I'll run it direct to the pc. That results in nothing. At all. And when it's plugged in and I turn the camera on, the screen comes on so I can take a picture. Which it's utterly not supposed to do. Just for safe measure I try it on Love's crappy old laptop and same thing.

So I look up Nikon support. Turns out they have a 24 hour tech line. Cool, I think, I'll call. Which is when I relate all of the above and come to the subject of the entry. It - quite obviously - appears that the cable has gone bad. So he looks it up for me. It's the UC-E6 cable (part number 25604). And it sells for a whopping $9.99. But it's sold out.


So, I have all these funny photos on my camera to share and yet, I'm foiled by $9.99 of out-of-stock cable. Damn yous Nikon mall!


Beyond the immediate annoyance of the cable, things are slowly getting better around here. Love was able to unwrap the knee on Saturday and now only has two small bandaids over the two small cuts. (It's amazing that something so small makes such big impact!) The swelling has gone down, but he still mostly looks like he's smuggling a small grapefruit or possibly an orange under his kneecap. He's hobbling around though and we got out a little today just to make him use it. The surgeon said no cane or crutches and that he's supposed to use it as much as possible. So, we just walk slow (really slow) and take it easy. But it's looking ok and no signs of infection or fever or anything. Which is really good. I'm still doing the bulk of, well, just about everything around here, but now that he's able to get up and about more, it's easing off a little. (If he's so inclined now, he can get up and get a soda without my help. Which is nice.)

I got a pair of capri's on clearance today as well as a pair of denim shorts. I didn't actually own a pair of shorts that (a)fit or (b) were jean and since it's already in the 80's, that needed to be rectified. That and the pair of jean capri's I own, I've had for over two years and they're getting extremely frayed and, quite frankly, I'm sick of wearing the same exact pair five days a week. Ya know. So that was nice. And clearance is always a good thing. Not that I have a shopping budget, but seeing as the last time I got clothes it was the capri's two years ago with a birthday gift card, it's not like I don't need them. ('Cause, man, I do.) My poor wardrobe is mostly over seven years old and getting damned ratty. I need to go on What Not To Wear for the crime of old and crappy clothing! Heh.

In personal health news, my mouth's doing a lot better. I'm finally done with both my antibiotic and my anti-inflamatory. Today was the last of the steroid. Which is damned good. And, I'm so happy to be done with the ten days of antibiotics because they make me so every-moment-of-the-day sick to my stomach. I mean, non-stop. Things are finally starting to balance back out which is a great relief. I'm on schedule for my permanent crown on the 27th. Then, I only have to figure out another $850 for the other two segments that need done - six more teeth in two groups need fillings. All in weird places; all deep on the sides (inbetween) of the teeth. Which is why I also want to try to get this: Sonicare Crest i8500 IntelliClean System Integrated Power Toothbrush to help combat the problem moving forward. I've stuck it on my wishlist, but at $130, I'm not expecting it anytime soon. Heh.

Alright, well, Medium is coming on for the first time in two weeks, so I'm going to go catch that. I'm going to check with my local Ritz Camera tomorrow and see if they have my cable. They're an authorized Nikon dealer, so who knows? I might get lucky. Hopefully, we'll have some photos around here soon.

Hope everyone's well. I haven't really been online in days, so forgive me if I overlooked something critical. Take care.

edit Dammit! Foiled again - this time by a rerun. *grumbles*