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Monday, November 08, 2004

Weird Sight
I saw something really weird today while heading to the pet store. The truck in front of us had a license plate from Hawaii. Think about that for a second. Let it sink in. Here, in Florida, a plate from an island in the middle of the ocean on the opposite coast. How weird is that? I don't think I've ever seen a Hawaiian plate before - ever. I can't even imagine the cost to ship a vehicle to the mainland. And did he ship it to California and then drive it to Florida? Either way, that truck's a loooong way from home. For the record, it looked this one only without the "Segway" personalization. I wanted to snap a pic to prove I'd seen it, but Love vetoed me saying the guy might freak out if I took a photo of his vehicle.

Oh and in case you're wondering he was pulling into a Dairy Queen when last I saw him. Maybe he really wanted some pineapple topped ice cream. ;)

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