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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Warm, fuzzy clean feeling
So it started last night. The urge to clean the house. Partly because it needed to be done. Partly because mom's coming over tomorrow to help me make some christmas cookies I love but haven't had in years and don't know how to make on my own. Partly because the new reporter guy wants to meet and interview me and also see me at my desk. (My desk is in my master bedroom which was ground zero for mess disaster.) Between it all, I cleaned the kitchen and the living room last night - putting away all the junk and crap and throwing stuff out that just had cluttered and built up - and the bedroom today. I even straightened up my desk, unpacked some of my desk items and set it all up. Looks clean and since I'm proud of all the hours of work I've put into it, I wanted to share.

This is my desk. And though in the pic it looks like it has a lot of stuff (and it does; I love knick-knacks), it's actually got clear room and space and everything's neat and organized.

This is looking at the bed. Yes, oh gods yes, we need curtains. Desperately. On the left, you can see pictures that I just now got around to hanging up. Those are all drawnings my Love did. Which I thought looked neat arranged on the wall like that. Below it is where I'd like to get a little dresser/night stand that I could use to set up my very first real alter. *whistful sigh* Anyway, it looks empty because it is! The room is not only huge (h-u-g-e) but it's clean. No clutter. No boxes. So it looks all nice and serene. At least to me anyway.

For as much as I hate the process of cleaning, I love the results. I get a warm, fuzzy feeling when everything's all neat and in it's place. Sadly, life doesn't often lead to things staying in their place for long, but....eh, I'll enjoy it while it lasts.


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