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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Vote For A Change
Alright people. Everyone knows today is the day. Election Day in the United States. So get out there and vote. I don't want to hear that the lines are too long or that you don't feel like finding your precict. I don't want to hear excuses that it's a waste of time or that one vote doesn't count. EVERY vote counts. There's no reason not to stand up, join with your fellow citizens and make change happen. We can't do it alone but we can do it together.

Need help? Need more information? It's out here for you. Start with Michael Moore's website where you can find out where to vote by state and 10 Point Checklist of what you need to vote (don't forget your photo id!!).

Don't forget MoveOn PAC for information, articles and resources.

And, if you have ANY problems with someone trying to prevent you from voting, or lying to you, or attempting to swing your vote, call toll free 1-866-our-vote for help and ways to report problems.

If you need something to rile you up, check out Eminem's Lyrics and Video, "Mosh" where he tears into Bush:
Let the president answer our anarchy. Strap him with AK-47.
Let him go fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way.
No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our soil. N
o more psychological warfare to trick us to thinking that we ain't loyal
if we don't serve our own country; we're patronizing a hero.
Look in his eyes, it's all lies

If you want more facts, check out Mc Sweeney's Daily Reasons to Dispatch Bush - some of these are so painful to read you'll wonder how the country has survived these last four years.

Check out the US Commission on Cival Rights report - Bush is a failure.
The United States Commission on Civil Rights, a bipartisan agency established by Congress, has prepared a report that is sharply critical of the Bush administration's civil rights record. The report "finds that President Bush has neither exhibited leadership on pressing civil rights issues, nor taken actions that matched his words." The commission's analysis highlights the administration's lack of action on voting rights and election reform, as well as on equal education and affirmative action. The report also criticizes the administration for facilitating racial profiling after September 11, and criticizes the EPA for its lack of attention to the impact of environmental contamination on minority communities.

On October 9, after Republican members of the USCCR objected to the timing, the commission voted to postpone final approval of the report until after the election. A draft remains available on the commission's website.

We need change. We need our liberties back; our self-respect back; our place as not a world-bully but a world leader. We need to care about the air we breath, the water we drink and the soil we grow our food in. We need to spend money on education, healthcare and taking care of our citizens here at home - not spend hundreds of billions of dollars on a badly planned and mismanaged war overseas.

Vote. For for a change. Get out and do it now. We get a chance to change the course of our future and we need to embrace that chance and ensure we make it count.

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