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Sunday, November 07, 2004

Trying again...
We're going to try for XP yet again tonight. Between complete crash and failure problems and harddrives not formatting, this has gone on for like a year now. But my friend Rand bought Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 and is letting me borrow it and I don't have the room to even install it so we have to try yet again.

We'll see if I have any computer left. Heh.

Update: 10:10pm: Well, so much for that. Again. The harddrives continue to crash out during format attempts and/or the case just resets itself in mid-process. Love's going to try to take the drives to work, test them there and see if the problem is with them or with the case. What a pain in the ass. XP'll be outdated by the time I can get it installed. *sighs*

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