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Friday, November 26, 2004

So I caved...
A little. We ended up spending the day out and about at stores. But, we didn't go first thing in the morning, so it wasn't bad. Got a raincheck for Buffy: Season Seven at Target for $17.77 when they were sold out. For that price, it's mine. We only have seasons 1-3, but it's worth getting. The guy was really nice and gave me a raincheck though I don't think they were really supposed to. But the tag didn't say "no rainchecks" while many of the other ones did, so *grins* go me.

Beyond that, I picked up some holiday cards (if you want to swap, let me know!) and a candle and a book and a few little things like that. Nothing big.

Whoops. Totally forgot this was open. Heh. Well, so much for an entry. I think since I'm vegging out anyway, I might as well do it on the couch with Love. So, abruptly ending entry. Sorry 'bout that.

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