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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Oz in a Santa Suit
*insert 16 year old girl squeal here*


Christmas came early this year. The super kind and sweet Cy gave me an amazingly kind gift today - two tickets to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at Walt Disney World!

*insert 16 year old girl squeal again*

Every year, Disney does a couple special events. One is Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. Love and I planned to go earlier this year, but Halloween sold out months ago and we never had the cash to get the tickets. The other one is Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party and we heard about it last year but have never gone to it either. For the Christmas Party, the park closes to the public and you need a special ticket to get in. They make it snow (!) on Main Street, give free hot chocolate and cookies to everyone, you get a free photo with the characters taken for you and the place is decked out in holiday style. They also have a special parade as well as a special fireworks show. All for a limited number of people per night.

It's so cool.

So, of course, we had been planning on trying to get our passes again since they expired in June sometime in the fall. We were shooting for saving up over the summer and getting them in October. Clearly, that didn't happen. Not only were we unable to save up, but we've gotten even further behind from the cost of moving. So it didn't look like we'd be going to WDW again until at least sometime next year - and that'd be pending a miracle.

Well, Oz showed up in a Santa suit today and we have tickets for Friday, December 3rd's event. To say I'm thrilled is an understatment. Having something positive to look forward to makes me so giddy, it's almost painful. So much has been dark and hard and just bad lately that I don't even know how to express what it means to me to know I have something fun waiting for me. I know people can't understand how something like this could mean so much to me. It's a silly and frivolous thing but when you spend so much of your life in such a deep funk of depression, anything which helps you put it away for a little while is so important. And so desperately sought. Disney is one place I'm actually happy. I actually feel something other then sadness. And so of course, it's something I long for when things are at their worst.

Anyway, I'm so excited. Of course, we need to make arrangements with someone to borrow a car to get to Orlando, but I'm sure we can figure it out between then and now. (Ours has gotten so bad, I can't fathom how it's still going and it certainly won't make the 2 hour one-way drive at this point.) A problem for another day. Today, I just smile and get that warm fuzzy feeling knowing I'm going to Disney World.

Oh, by the way...in other good news today, I have a custom horn order for a theater group in Manhattan to do (way cool) as well as a custom order of penguins (seven of them!) for someone's anniversary next week. So, that's really cool because it's a few extra dollars this week - desperately needed. Oh, and my mom came down, dragged me to the store and bought me some groceries. So I even have food for the week. (Which is really great; we are on change and had a bare kitchen.) It's been a good day.

Alright, going to close this out. Almost don't know what to do with myself having a positive entry instead of a negative one. Heh. I'd really like more of these, but most days it feels so impossible, and instead I try just to not talk about it. But I'm not going to think about the bad today. I'm going to just enjoy the good and worry about the rest tomorrow.

Oh yeah, one more thing...*insert 16 year old girl squeal one last time*

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