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Friday, November 12, 2004

Ow, my aching head
All week, my head's just been miserable. I'm really sick of it. Basically, I've had a low-level migraine that hasn't stopped all week. It peaks sometimes and hits me really hard and strong then fades out but doesn't completely go away. Just moves to a dull, constant, background ache. Then it flares up again and I get the works - hyper light sensitivity, chills, trembles, foggy head, unsteady on my feets, nausea, etc. I've been downing caffine and excedrin like there's no tomorrow and it's not even touching it. I don't know if it's hormones, or weather shifts or what, but gods, it hurts. And so frustrating! All week, I can't think straight and I get stopped dead in my tracks when it flares up and hits me hard. I can't find a patter and I can't find a specific source that makes it worse. Nor can I get rid of it completely. It just lurks there in the background, hurting, waiting to get bad again.

Some days weeks I really, really hate my head. :(

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