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Monday, November 01, 2004

November already
Sheesh. November. Blah. This year's almost gone.

Last night I went over to my friend Rand's house, dressed up in my "Midnight Priestess" costume from a few years ago and gave out candy. The guys laughed because everytime the doorbell rang I went running down the hall. We brought over our two pumpkins and put them outside (since Rand didn't do any decorating, at least it was something outside) and everyone loved them. People kept asking me who made them and I proudly got to say I did! One boy asked me if I was an artist. Even the parents oohed and aaahed over them which made me really proud.

One kid cracked me up. I open the door and he peeks past me into the dinning room/sitting room (what we call "the useless room" in his house since it's one of those second, formal living room spaces that are never really used by anyone), and says, "Woah. Nice house." Ha! Kids! Then all the other little kids around him parrot him saying, "Yeah nice house" too. It was a riot.

After that, we watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, hit the store for some food and called it a night. I was really sleepy and went to bed pretty early - just a little bit after my Love. The kitties were being terrible last night and woke me up like four times. Getting into things, knocking things over, scratching at things, etc. Ugh. Sometimes they make me so mad. You tell them, "No!" and you squirt them with water or give them a smack on the backside, lay back down and five minutes later, they're getting into stuff they shouldn't be again. Gracie is definately a bad influence on Mika. Mika used to calmly sleep the night but now they tussle and play (and sometimes play turns into fighting) and get up on counters and bang cabinets as they open them - yeah, Mika taught Gracie how to do that one. *sighs* - all night long.

I really think that in the coming holidays, I'm going to try to meet some local people or look into some local events. I'm feeling the need to expand and test the waters on perhaps a group ritual or something. I've never done anything like that and I just can't make myself get into a ritual just for me - it's hard; it feels like eh, there's no point 'cause it'd just be work and it'd only be for me, so why bother? I don't want end up with a Fluff Bunny group or anything because, there's definately still a level of just...bull that I won't cross, but I'm starting to think that I'm never going to find some local, Pagan friends and engage in the Sabbats more unless I get out there and meet some people. Dunno. I guess after so many years of being so rigidly Solitary, that I'm feeling the need to connect with other like-minded people and learn and observe and even take on a more active role. I'd like to better celebrate my beliefs I suppose is what I'm saying and I don't really know how, nor have the inclination to do so by myself. *shrugs*

Beyond that, oy. The damned weather. It's November for crying out loud and look at the current temps:

And if that isn't bad enough, the high today is supposed to reach 88F (31C) and tomorrow 87F (30C)! Ugh! Fucking stop already. Normally by the last week or two of October, it's started to cool down. But we haven't had any cool days yet. None!

The forecast is still hot all this week. We may get below 80F (26.6C) by the end of the week, but ugh.....dammit. I can't tell you how sick we are of the heat. We don't get very long of the cool weather here. And we look forward to it for about nine months. So to have it be near-record high temperatures still without any relief, it's beyond frustrating.

Alright, well, I just ran out of things to ramble about. You know that stage where you stop typing and kinda drift off, forgetting you were doing something? Yeah, that's been me the last few minutes. Zoning out. Guess that means we'll call this entry a wrap.

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween yesterday.

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