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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I've been remiss...
In an attempt to think about something - anything - beyond the election tonight, here's some well overdue thank you's. In no particular order...

Jeava, thank you for the lovely Halloween wishes. Very nice of you and quite a surprise. (And kitties do rule!)

Kathryn, your card was lovely. And your words unbelievably touching. I don't know what I've done to warrent such sweet comments, but thank you. You brought such a smile to my face.

Alicia, thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending the bath salts. Sadly, one of the little bags must have gotten wet from humidity or something so it overtook the entire package, but I'm hoping I can salvage the Lemon and the Lanvender ones. Either way, it was so nice of you to send some from your personal collection.

I know I'm forgetting someone. I'm sorry, I don't have it all in front of me. I checked the PO box last week when I voted and I couldn't believe there were several letters in there for me. I love mail and even the smallest little card really brightens my day. So thank you. You are all so kind.

Edit... I forgot. Something to give back if anyone is interested. I still have about six Gmail invites. Free to anyone who requests one. Just comment and I'll get in touch.

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