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Sunday, November 14, 2004

It's Incredible!
Sorry. Had to. So yeah, obviously I saw The Incredibles Saturday. And it was... (wait for it)....really good. (You thought I'd throw another gag in there like "the Incredibles was incredible!" right? Well, no. I'm not going to stoop that low.) I did enjoy it though. Very funny.

Sadly, I didn't win the $32 million jackpot in the FL Lottery last night, but then again, neither did anyone else. Maybe it just needed to roll over one more time and I'll win $40 million instead. Yeah, that's it.

Still can not find any of my photo software (PaintShop, Photoshop) so I have a camera full of pics I can't do anything with. Bah. Also can't find my WS_FTP Pro so no ftp software. (That at least, I can overcome with other options though it's easier managing the multiple domains and logins with the software.)

Mika's laying on my lap nipping at my wrist when I stop petting her to type instead. Silly tabby. She and Gracie have been getting along better which is good. Though Mika's taken to sleeping for hours - all days and all evenings many times - in the lining of the boxspring. *grumble* It tore during the move and now she's always up in there.

Went looking today for a case for my iPod - the back already got scratched up in my purse dammit! - not realizing how hard of a task this would be. I found this one on the apple store website and I though, ok, no biggie. It's $29 because you're buying it from apple. You can find cheaper in the stores. Nope. Nada. I found ONE for my model (apparently there have been several "generations" of iPods and each one requires a different case design - mine is "4th generation") at Best Buy and it was a whopping $34.99! Daaaaamn. Apparently, you have to be not only rich to buy an iPod, but to buy accesories for it! *sighs* We hit several stores with no luck. One or two for iPod mini and one for the old, 20gig style without the click wheel, and only the one $35 for mine. Eep.

Well, I've been working on this on and off for an hour and Love's trying to go to sleep, so I'm going to close it. Tomorrow I'm off to do laundry so I'll be away from the pc all day. I'm sure there was more I wanted to ramble about but damned if I rembember it at this point.


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