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Monday, November 29, 2004

Holiday Sale and Gift Ideas
I spent the day trying to change and update my jewelry and horn site: PhoenixFire Designs. I've updated a lot of things, added new products and put a bunch of stuff on sale for the Holidays.

For example: check out some bracelets on sale:

I have some necklaces listed with MANY more that need to be updated (man it takes a long time to do it all!) as well as the ever-available custom horns. (Just this month, I got in an order for a college in NY for example, so just because it's not Halloween, doesn't mean I can't make them or that you can't still use them!)

Also! Don't forget about the penguins!

These little fellows are all dressed up in their tuxes and are ready to be a unique and adorable gift! (I can also take custom orders for the penguins as well; either multiple quantities or special touches. For example, someone ordered a boy and girl penguin set, one with a bow tie, the other with a hair bow to be holding flippers.)

So....check out the items, and let me know if there's something you're interested in or something you want customized. I'm desperately trying to raise some money for the holidays and my craft and artsy items are the one way I hope to do it.

PhoenixFire Designs

sighs. I've been having problems with blogger all day and have been trying to get this to upload for over an hour now. literally it just sits there, doesn't time out and never does anything.

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