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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Boring Weekend
Not much to report. Ran around to a few stores Saturday, enjoyed some oh-so-yummy and oh-so-rarely beloved treat of Olive Garden's Fettuccine Alfredo. YUM! Rare because Love is deathly allergic to garlic and because it's pricey just for one person to get take away. But oh, do I crave it - and the breadsticks with the alfredo dipping sauce *swoon* - all the time and love every moment of it. Watched Walking Tall with the Rock (stinker) and that was about it.

Today, we did even less. All we really did was get down to Love's parents house for dinner with his family, come home, watch Charmed and we're kinda beat. Neither one of us is feeling tip top - him, battling getting a cold all week and me with my continual upset stomach new world record - so we've just kinda been vegging. While looking at my bookmarks, I saw the blogger link and thought I might as well post an entry. Not that I really have anything to talk about but still. Good to keep in the habbit.

Printed up a couple photos from my digital camera Saturday and found this glass frame that Love's Aunt gave us last year for xmas. It's big - holds four 4x6 photos (two vertical and two horizontal) - and is just two sheets of glass, no matt with two silver bars on the side and two black wood bars on the top. Anyway, I put four of my banyan tree photos (old and new) in it and hung it next to my desk. Looks nice. First time I've framed any of my artistic shots. I also printed up some of my beach photos (like the one used for this layout) just to see what they'd look like as actual photos. It's neat seeing my digital images in print. You forget how much you like them until you get them in your hands.

Ok, that was the worst attempt at a description ever, so here's a pic instead:

Alright, time for Love to get some sleep and me to soon follow. Night.

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