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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

All Is Not Well
note: I've been trying to post this for about two hours now but blogger hasn't been working.

I'm scared. No, strike that, I'm terrified. Ignorance, hatred, stupidity condem me to a bleak and hopeless future. Not just four more years, but decades if he gets to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. Second-class citizen by sheer virtue of gender. A loss of the sovereign rights over my own body and my own life. These are the horrors I shall enjoy because of this outcome.

White, rich, christian male? This is the time of your life. All the right-wing, ultra-conservative, wipe-your-ass-on-the-working-poor, hate-them-damned-fag years you could hope for! Get them uppity women back in line; repeal their rights, prevent the rights of citizens who don't conform to your bigoted and narrow view. Barefoot and pregnant and shit-out-of-luck along with the gays.

I fear what my life will now bring. I fear the quality of life I'll be able to live. I fear for the next round of tyranny; the next supression of freedoms for "our own safety" the next time we're told we're un-American if we don't swallow the lies.

What's the difference between America and Nazi Germany? America and Red China? America and Communist Russia? Civil Liberty. So where does this leave us now without any...?

The world looks at us and shakes it's collective head. Sighing, trembling, raging and some combination therein. They can't grasp how we can be so fucking stupid; how we can accept these horrors, lies and losses.

You know what? I can't grasp it either.

It's a great big, beautiful tomorrow. Just not here in the Land of the Free. Didn't you hear? "One Nation Under God" is only one god - a bigotted, misogynistic, fear-loving, lying, hateful war-mongeral of a self-imposed "deity" by the name of George W. Bush.

All is not well. The country bleeds and each of us feels the wounds. To say this has pushed me to the edge of my depression is an understatement. The battle is lost and I cry and sob and feel it eat me peice by peice. There is no hope, there is no life, there is no point. More then ever, I simply want to die and I'm not strong enough to hold the line when faced with the world crashing around me. I can't endure this ontop of everything else and I fear I won't see much longer. Spare me the term and spare me the death rattle, I want off, I want out, I want this over. I can't do it and I no longer even want to fight. What's the point? None of it matters anyway and evil always wins in the end anyway.

Jane, get me off this crazy thing called life.

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