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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Yes, it is as bad as you heard
I was hoping the horrid reviews for Van Helsing were simply from people who didn't "get" or enjoy that genre; people who didn't look forward to vamp flicks.

And so I hate to say it, but the movie lived up to all it's horrible, terrible and sadly dead-on reviews. It stinks. Utterly. It's shallow, it's frantic, there's no plot, nor character development at all and worst off, most of the CGI looks fake and rubbery. Let's not even get into the eye-roll-inducing scenes like where Anna (Kate Beckinsale) does a litteral Tarzan swing from one chain, back flip to another then catches a tiiiiny little needle thrown her way in midair. Ugh. Gag me now.

Anyway, it stinks. So if you were like me and curious - thinking it really couldn't be that bad - know that it is. Save yourself the $15 to buy it, the $4 to rent it and the excruciating two and one-half hours of stinky poop.

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