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Monday, October 04, 2004

Sooooo Tired...
They're starting the re-roofing project on my building this morning. And I'm going to hang out with my mom today. She told me to call and get her up about 8am so I wouldn't have to sit here in the noise that long (when they did the building two buildings over, it was intolerably loud and gave me the worst headache, so there's no way I can be here when they do my actual building.) Anyway, Love wakes me up before he leaves for work and it's still quiet, so I figure I can keep dozing for a little while, thereby giving me and my mom a little more sleep. I couldn't get to bed until after 2am last night. I simply couldn't sleep. So, waking up at 7:45 isn't exactly the thing I wanted to do. They start talking and laughing and making a rukus and I roll over and try to ignore it. I'm used to hearing people talk outside my window in the parking lot despite being on the second floor all the damned time. Crappy windows. But then someone starts knocking on my door. Repeatedly. It's about 8:25am.

Three guys are standing there asking me, "Uh, do you own a...uh, saturn, or uh...a...uh....any of those...uhhhhh...cars out front? *points*" No, says I, sleepy and not interested in looking where he points. I have a mustang and my boyfriend already took it to work. "Oh, uh...sorry." Close door. Well so much for getting some more sleep. Now I'm up and out of bed.

Call my mom. She's sleepy too. Neither one of us really wants to do this yet and neither want to start our day quite this early. Bah. Well, now a half an hour later, they've still not started and dammit, if they would have just not bothered me by pounding on my door, I could have stolen a little more sleep. Humbug. Guess they can't bring the truck close into the building because there's still four cars parked out front. There's only four apartments with people in them (myself included) in this specific building, so I don't know who's cars they are. Assholes will probably tow 'em or something.


Anyway, it's too damned early. I'm tired. And I hate, no....loathe my apartment complex. I can't wait to get out of here. Soon I know, but all this week I have to be chased out of my apartment because they're so damned rude as to do construction with people still living in the buildings (they're making them over to sell as condos when we all leave) and they don't give a shit. I've got nothing even remotely started packing wise, no boxes and I'm super stressed over how I'm going to actually come up with all the money it is going to take to move. Like another $200 for the new power company's security deposit. Dammit. New county, new power company, new deposit. I have monthly bills I need to pay in addition to paying transfer fees and getting new services turned on. I don't know how it's all going to happen, I really don't. And I'm unbelievably stressed over it. I'm going to try to get some of my horns up on ebay for Halloween. Please, please let me know if you're interested in a pair - either something like I already have listed, or possibily in another color. I can pretty much make it to order. I really pretty desperately need to come up with some more cash, so every sale would help.

Better meander and start getting ready. Mom's going to be calling me soon to tell me she's leaving and I haven't managed clothing yet. ('Cause it's too damned early and I'm not even half awake.) Maybe I can nap on my mom's couch for awhile today... *chuckles*

Oh yeah, quick shout out to Humble today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Go wish him a good one.

Ok, out. *yawn*

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