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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Looks like someone's got a case of the Mundays
Yeah I know it's Tuesday, but work with me, ok? I'm really bummed out. Last night three of the first batch of ebay auctions ended. With about two hours to go before they ended, I had to call it a night. Migraine was well underway and I didn't want to deal with it. There were multiple people watching the three pairs of horns. Multiple people each pair. I was sure someone was just waiting for the last minute to save themselves the $3 more that the Buy It Now price was over the list and that they would sell before ending.

Sadly, that wasn't the case. And it really upset me. I work really hard on things like that. It takes me hours of time between making them, curing them, photographing them, uploading them to my pc, formatting the listing and getting it all onto ebay (which I have to pay for). When it's all said and done, I'm not making much for all the hours I put into them, but it's something I can do and something that last year was such a hit, that I really thought I'd have another good year of it. It's unique and original and something I hoped would help us a little this month with things so damned desperate money-wise.

Three really unique and original pairs were liked enough to be watched, but not enough to shell out like $13 for. Which is pretty sad. And it makes me feel really worthless. Like, damn, not only can't I get a call back on dropping off my application at a fucking bookstore for godsake but now people don't even want to buy my horns? I'm out like $10 in ebay costs but I thought I'd make it up. Just seems pointless.

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