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Monday, September 20, 2004

So, if the continuing near-migraine and bursts of full-on migraine attack the past week aren't enough, the having problems sleeping wasn't enough and the continuous hyper light sensitivity and after-images clouding my vision weren't enough, this morning I woke up because I heard someone call my name.

Problem is, there was no one in the house but me.

I kid you not. I woke up out of a dead sleep because I heard a man's voice - a voice I don't recognize - clearly, loudly and firmly say my name. It spooked me so much I checked the apartment, the locks on the doors, everything. There wasn't anything which could have even remotely made a sound like my name turned on. PC was off, cable box, tv and stero were off, nothing.

This isn't the first time it's happened either. All the more freaky. Previous times I've passed it off as a dream or something. This time, I swear I heard it physically with my ears as if someone were standing in my living room.

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