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Thursday, September 02, 2004

Things still not working out
So, we're still not finding anything in our price range that's not skank. Yesterday we went to look at another place but they weren't running any specials; no wait, I take that back, they were giving a whopping half month free. Please. Everyone else is offering 1 - 2 1/2 months free for fuck's sake! And they were way overpriced. They were like $900 basically after their "special." For less then that, we can have 2 roman tubs, cermaic tile, or a loft for crying out loud! (i.e. there are much nicer places that we've had to put on the "can't afford" pile that come in less then they were) *sighs*

And of course, we have a hurricane heading our way. Which, you know, makes things fun.

the yellow arrow is me. each updated path brings it closer to our side of the state. joy

So....still no idea where we're going to live. Running out of places to look at. Running out of time to find a place because dammit, I am miserable, I can't breathe and I don't want to keep living in toxic black mold hell! And our 3-day weekend will be taken up by a goddamned hurricane! Why the fuck does this have to be so damned hard???

Cat Drama
Gracie continues to want out of her room and into the rest of the apartment. She doesn't seem to comphrend that there is a cat twice her size and twice her weight that hates her. She doesn't seem phased in the slightest that massive Mika hisses and growls at her every moment she sees her. I'm not sure if she's just not scared of Mika or just too dense to realize she should be scared. Heh.

What I don't get is why Mika is so hateful towards her to begin with. She's TWICE GRACIE'S SIZE. Why is a cat that sleeps like this:

...afraid of something the size of this:

We continue to slowly try to get them around each other but oy. It's hard. Add to it Gracie's utter lack of understanding of the concept of "no" and it makes things fun. (What cat hasn't learned what "no" means? I mean, many of them just pay it lip service and go ahead and do what they want when the humans aren't looking, but she doesn't even do that. You tell her no, swat her butt and she immediately does it again! Bah.)

Hair Hair Everywhere
So.....I'm going to be cutting my hair. Hopefully this weekend. Not because I want to mind, but because I have to. It's gotten extremely long:

...but it's so unhealthy. It's continuing to fall out in large quantities so it looks really thin. And it's all dry and broken into uneven levels. Which sucks. Because I was happy to have it so long again. This is about the longest it gets and I haven't had the luxury of having it this long very much.

I figure if I take a-few-to-several inches off, bring it closer up to my shoulder blades, that maybe it will get a chance to get healthy again. The ends are shot and hopeless at this point, so maybe if I start again, I'll get some good months out of it again. Sad though.

Anyway, things are a mess. I'm frustrated as hell. And I don't know exactly how things are going to resolve or what even to do next. Hell, I can't even find a place for us to hit tonight because we've looked at so many places already, there's not much left.


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