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Friday, September 03, 2004

I swear I'm not blonde
Ever have those moments were you feel like you have to actually protest that you're a natural brunette and not a blonde under hair dye? Yeah, so I just had a really big, dorkus moment. I can be such a nitwit sometimes, I swear!

Just to give this topic a purpose, I have six, count 'em, six gmail invites to give out. While I'd love to use this as a money-raising campaign to help me have enough money to move, I know these things aren't worth much. So, while you're more then welcome to toss some change in the get me the fuck out of dodge apartment fund, you don't have to. You just have to ask. First come, first serve.

I need a first name, last name and email address to send the invite to.

Beyond that, this pointless entry ends here! No soup for you!

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