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Saturday, September 25, 2004

Good News, Bad News
First off, this will be short but meaty. I'm exhausted. The demo continues on the apartment buildings next to us - even on a fucking saturday. So it woke up up about 9am this morning and I managed to nod on and off through the horrible pounding until about 11am. Of course, we went to bed like 3:30am so, yeah, tired.... Also, I need to get ready 'cause we've got some errands to run and our friend Rand's already here.

Ok, first bit of good news: It's our anniversary this weekend. Six years. Wow I know, right? Love had a dozen, beautiful red roses for me and a wonderful card when I got up. I'll post photos later. Also? He's taking me to dinner tonight at my absolute favorite resturant, The Melting Pot. (It's a fondue resturant and you have a dinning experience over the course of like 2 hours there. It's so amazing.)

The next bit of good news? We got approved into the apartment complex we've been working with for three weeks now! We get to move! It's going to cost us a month's rent in security but we already arranged to borrow it from Love's parents and then can pay them back in payments (which is a hell of a lot easier to do then come up with $850 in one chunk, ya know?) I don't have a formal moving date yet, but soon. Soooon! We get to leave! And, joy of joys, I get to tell the uber bitch manager at our current place off and give her a simple choice: the easy way (give us everything she promised us as we go quietly) or the hard way (we sue for everything she promised us, plus emotional distress, health problems, and contact all the media about the damages to these buildings they're trying to sell as condos). Heh. It will be fun.

Ok, but, there's bad news. And it's name is Jeanne.

(yellow arrow is me)

(blue oval is me)

It's getting closer and closer with each updated path. It just keeps relentlessly pushing west which means it's going to rip across the state and is therefore, heading our way. Fuck.

Which means there might be some silence from me if we lose power and/or cable again from wind damage. So, keep that in mind if I don't update in a few days.

Dammit. It was supposed to hit the Carolinas! No one was even paying much attention to it over here. Now look at it. *sighs*

Oh well, I've still finally got somethings going well I'm not going to let a little something like a hurricane bother me today. Heh.

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