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Sunday, September 12, 2004

So tonight I'm making lasagna. It's not something I do often as it's prep-work intensive. (Not to mention expensive by the time you add all the ingredients up!) But I've had a major craving for it all week. Tonight I finally gave in.

I took photos of the process (it's cooking now) and I'll put it all together into a step-by-step reciepe one of these days. It's nothing fancy, just simple lasanga with lots of cheese, but it's tasty.

No word yet on the apartment situation. No eviction notice yet, so hopefully, if we pay rent next payday (next Friday), we at least won't have to worry about that. But no idea what's going on with the place we applied at. We're playing phone tag. Her last message though didn't sound very positive. (In tone of voice, not content.) I knew it was a long shot, but dammit, can't something work out for once?

Anyway, just sat down for a moment while I wait 45 minutes for dinner to cook and thought I'd babble a bit. Cooking is hard work and not something I often do, nor enjoy doing (Love's the cook of the family) but somethings only I make so I break down and get it done.

I'll let you know how it turns out and put together my photo receipe for it later.

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