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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Before and After
Alright, I just got back from the mall. My Mom came down to spend a little time together. Anyway, this is the first chance I've had to upload my before and after pics. The after was taken last night but I'll need to work on taking some shots where you can see me and the hair together. *laughs* I just wanted to post the color results.

So without further ado.....Before and After:

Doesn't look much like "Radiant Ruby" but it's definately red. My Love wants me to go to a salon and have it dyed like a real, orange, redhead red. Maybe one of these days I will though it frightens me to think about having to bleach my hair to really achieve that shade. Though I notice that right away my eyes pop out a lot more color-wise against the red then they do against the brown. The blue-grey-aquaness of them is more striking. Like I said, I'll get some photos with me and my hair soon enough, but here at least is the color - and the difference. It doesn't seem like that much until you put them together. Heh.

And yes, Cy.......change! Dreded, horrible change. Isn't it great sometimes?

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