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Monday, August 16, 2004

Witches Weekly - Sound
I've been putting the last couple over on my livejournal but this week I thought I'd bring it back over here. Something lighter then all the morbid talk of depression, unhappiness and hurricanes. Enjoy.

Do you enjoy having any type of music or sound during a ritual? If so, what?
I'm not much for ritual honestly. I simply conduct myself as seems befitting for whatever it is that I wish to accomplish. Mostly the answer is no though I find music to be sacred. Music was the first communication between the Divine and creation. So while I may not use it much in any "ritual," I do deeply respect and revere it.

Do you have a favorite chant?
No, though often when I am either out at the beach, or even alone and pondering life, I hum and sing wordless tunes that flow from me.

What sound tends to move you spiritually the most?
Tribal drums are very powerful; wooden flutes; high, pure and open notes sung with or without words.

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