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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Witches Weekly - Politics

Do you feel those with pagan beliefs should attempt to take more of a political stand?
Yes. But only to secure liberties and freedoms for people of all religions and to ensure these damned fundies stop trying to deny people their rights, and stop trying to legalize their fucking relgion's rules and deny people freedoms based on their dogmas.

Is paganism openly accepted where you are from? (city,town,state)
It seems to be. There's quite a few Pagan bookstores around, groups, meet-ups, and assorted. This is a massive melting pot area - people from all over North American move here - so you get a lot of mixing of culture, belief and religion.

Given your beliefs, what's one thing that a political figure could promise to you about your path, that would convince you to vote for them?
That they would never, for any reason, make a law which was based on one religion's dogmas and that they would do everything in their power to ensure no one could do so in the future as well. (i.e. no trying to force one deity's name into legal wording; no trying to make gay marriages illegal because it's against one religion's beliefs, etc.) Laws should NEVER be based on a religion.

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