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Friday, August 13, 2004

Waking, Watching, Waiting
I went to bed some time after 3am. And then something woke me up about 8:30am though I didn't get out of bed until about 9am. I just couldn't fall back asleep.

Checked the weather of course when I got up. It's still projected to hit us directly. They're saying about 2pm onward through the evening now. Updated and possiblely altered paths are being rumored after 11am, but nothing overly dramatic. We're still in the direct path of the storm. And it's definately getting closer though our wait continues.

The yellow arrow is where I am admist all this.

It's looking a little more like a stormy day outside, though it's more overcast and yucky out then truly menacing.

Friday Morning, 8/13/04 @ 10am

And if all this hurricane stuff isn't bad enough? I think I'm coming down with a cold. My nose was bugging me all day yesterday and my right ear was all clogged up, but I assumed it was just a minor allergy thing. Often times, for no reason, I just have a day here or there where my nose turns on the waterworks. I assumed yesterday was such a day. But it seems that it's much worse this morning (part of why I couldn't get back to sleep was my nose) and besides not having gotten enough sleep, I'm still really tired and run down. Dammit. Like all I need is to have a cold during the storm. Bah.

Anyway, I took some Benedryl (it was either that or the Claritin in the house but if I take that I literally can't sleep for 24 hours from it) and I think it's starting to kick in. Not kink in as in helping my nose, mind, but rather, kick in like making me drowsy. (I know, helpful, right?)

So just a check-in from me. Pending on how quickly the storm comes today I may or may not have a chance to post later. Turning on my pc is a ten minute process on it's own and with looming threats of power loss, who knows what will happen.

Take care everyone! Out for now.

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