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Monday, August 02, 2004

Long Day Tomorrow
So tomorrow I have to get up with my Love at 7-7:30am, take him into work, come back home, get ready, then drive a half an hour to my Mom's, get her, drive another 20 minutes to the mechanic to drop off my car. After less then two weeks, we were suddenly three quarts short of oil (and he had just changed the oil for us) and our air conditioning stopped working (which he fixed for us as well). We haven't had a/c in over a week but tomorrow was the first chance I had to make arrangements with my mom to get the car back up there. Ugh, it will be a day.

What doesn't help is that I've just not been feeling well. Last couple days my nose has been really bad (sneezing, running, draining in that oh-so-wonderful way down the back of my throat). Today I had to take some Benadryl which made me fall asleep and then get the fuzzy medicine head feeling all evening. But that's not been the main problem. What's been the issue is me and sleep.

Lately, the moment my eyes open, I'm tired. It's like I didn't sleep. Even though I did, and slept enough (sometimes even more then enough), I'm exhausted. I'm not waking up throughout the night, I'm not drinking caffine or anything (I avoid it as a general rule), I'm not having nightmares, I'm just not feeling rested. By about 3-4pm in the afternoon, I literally have to fight not to take a nap. Most days during the week I will actually doze off without meaning to! It's horrible. I just don't ever feel rested and it's very frustrating. It makes things like tomorrow even more stressful for me because I know how poorly I feel when I get enough sleep and there's no way I'll get enough for tomorrow. I don't know if it's my diet (I really eat such tiny, tiny amounts of food, not because I starve myself, just because I'm not very hungry), or if it's mental, or if there's a physical side to it. I really just don't know. I've started taking my vitamins again in hopes that might help, but I really don't know what to do. I feel like I'm slowly getting panicked about it. I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, I'm really worried and it's been going on for weeks and I'm just sick of being tired all the time. I slept from 3am - 11:30am this morning, then napped on the couch from about 4:30pm-5:30pm when my Love picked me up and put me in bed where I slept from 5:30pm-6:30pm and had he not woken me up, I would have kept sleeping! Granted, today was a smidge more then normal because the Benadryl made me drowsy, but still! That's insane. I feel tired from the moment I open my eyes until the moment I close them. That's just not right.

In totally unreleated news, fellow migraine-sufferers and hypersensitive MSG haters, they now make Doritos without MSG! I about had a heart attack in Publix yesterday. Cool Ranch and White Cheddar flavors. I bought one of each. So far, I've almost finished off the Cool Ranch ones. They're damned good too. When I started getting migraines at age 16, I had to give up just about every chip product on the market. Cheetos and Doritos were the hardest and I have never been able to walk past them in the isle without missing them. My Love even avoids buying them so as not to make me suffer. I can't tell you how thrilled I am that they have finally, finally done something about it. They call them Naturals, but I don't care. The whole fancy-schmancy organic stuff is nice, whatever, they just don't have MSG in them! That is the real beauty. A snack I can eat again. Oh joyous day.

Anyway, that's it. Gotta get thinking about bed, despite the fact I don't want to in the slightest, since it's an early morning tomorrow. Ta for now.

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