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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

By the way
I have a fucking migraine from hell. It's been this way all fucking night. This is like the third day in a row that my head's been seriously fucked up. I want to stab myself in the head in hopes of making the pain go away it's so bad. I fucking need migraine medication and I fucking hate this fucking country and it's fucked up health insurance bullshit and that I've had to fucking be debilitated and in fucking pain for the last eleven years of my life because in the country with the best doctors in the world, I can't fucking see any of them nor gain access to medications that mean the difference between me living my life and literally wanting to die it hurts so much.

I can't fucking take these headaches. And while my depression gets so bad I may sometimes want to die, the only thing that ever makes me want to actually kill myself is the unending pain of these migraines. Yeah, they are that bad.

If dying seems preferable to enduring another migraine attack and yet there's medication that can stop you from getting them that you simply can't afford, there's something seriously fucked up about the world you live in.

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