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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Apartment Hell Saga Continues...
Ok, so waaaaaaaaaay back on July 21st, they finally came out to stop my water leak (which had actually started on July 17th). On Friday, July 23rd they came out to do the air quality samples. Which the tech informed me would take five business days for the results.

Today is now August 11th and I've still not gotten the results.

The tech also recommended a second mold check after the wall was finished drying to ensure nothing grew during the drying process. (He also said they should bring in dehumidifiers into the bathroom to help in the process and curb any mold growth which they failed to do.)

So. Nineteen days after the air check, no results. No second test. No one has been in the building - not once - since the repair leak itself so zero work has been done to repair the damage done to the walls. I could have dangerous readings for over two weeks and no one has bothered to find out. It's not like I've not asked. I have. They keep saying they're leaving messages but not hearing back on the results. Uh hu. Right.

They sure cashed my rent check quickly though.

Addendum: So. I called the air quality company. He answered his cell on the first ring. (Surprise) And said he was sure he had sent them the results over a week and a half ago. He wouldn't give me a copy nor the results because of his contract with the complex.

At this point I was IM'ing my pal Cy who, upon hearing this replies , "Fuck this." He proceeds to call them on my behalf and they lie to him too! "We don't have the report." Of course, upon telling them the air quality company has already been contacted and they say the report has been sent, it's all backpeddling and more lies.

Anyway, she's now "looking into it" but at least their's a fire under her ass. Way to go Cy! (And Thank You!) Less ulcers for me if someone else deals with their bullshit and less chance I'd just stop pushing for information out of frustration and not wanting to deal with it anymore. Hopefully, we'll have some more information soon.

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