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Sunday, July 18, 2004

So at the very least it did post the entry last night. Which is good. Less having to go all kung-fo on blogger's ass.

I had the strangest dream last night. In my dream, I woke up and went to my journal. And the cranky entry I wrote last night wasn't the newest one. Someone else had written an entry. It wasn't a troll or flame entry like someone ruined the site, it was just this entry that someone else (no clue who) wrote to me. I remember reading it (and yes, I don't care what "They" say, I can and do read in dreams) but I can't remember exactly what it said at this point. But it was written so I'd read it, not really for anyone else. Strangest thing.

We might not be going to see Cassablanca afterall. We just discovered we basically have $5 to our name until Friday. Ugh. I don't know how we're going to get through the week. Dammit, I hate being so broke like this.

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