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Saturday, July 10, 2004

Weird Dreams
I've been having weird dreams lately. And for me to say they're weird is saying something. I'm the person who had a dream that the North Pole was on the other side of the hill behind my house growing up. And that my dog's doghouse was secretly an airport.

They're not weird like that though. They're a strange mix of things from tv shows, or something out of a fantasy novel. But all mushed together into something that flows and changes.

What's so weird about them is how they feel. It's not like I'm dreaming, it's like I'm somewhere. When I wake up, I feel disoriented for a moment; like I've just come back from a long trip. And almost immediatly, the vividness of what was just there, is gone. Into a swirl that I can't really remember what I was just in the middle of. I remember the sensation of being in the dream and meaningless color and light but I can't remember what I saw, what those shapes mean or what was going on.

I like them in a way. But in another it's so odd that I don't know what to make of it. I'm sleeping more hours. And I'm waking up at random times, sometimes having slept WAY too much, and having been just the second before my eyes opened, in the middle of...something in the dream. Not like anything happened in the waking world, I'm just suddenly not asleep anymore. It adds to the disorientation. But it doesn't help me recall any of it.

I'm heading to bed. Where I'm sorta nervous and sorta excited to go to sleep again. It's like I want to see what happens next, but I won't remember it and I'll be left with that weird sensation of something I just can't reach. It's just odd and it's been that way the last couple of days.

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