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Monday, July 19, 2004

Lonesome Ghosts and Long Forgotten Memories
So I was surfing around ebay as I am prone to do (I window shop and day dream a lot) and I was looking at the Disney Auction listings when I came across this pin:

And it looked so familier to me - but I couldn't figure out why. It was like I had seen it from somewhere before. The pin description said something about it being from "Lonesome Ghosts" but the title didn't ring any bells. It was from 1937 so I couldn't fathom when I'd have seen it. The weird thing was that I had a fuzzy recollection though of watching this somehow, but more then just watching it, being able to watch it forward and backwards. So I started nosing around google where I came across this. Again though, it didn't really feel right until I saw the viewer. Then it all came back to me.

I remember having one of these! Holy cow, I had forgotten all about it! You'd turn the little crank and the movie would play. Turn it the other way and it'd play in reverse. That's why I remember watching it forwards and backwards! I used to have a great time watching the ghost pop out of something, then winding it backwards and they'd disappear back in. It was the coolest toy ever.

I really want to get one of these toys again. Though, I'd even just love to see the short again. There's some of the movie watchers and carts available on ebay and the short is on a couple dvd's. One is Walt Disney Treasures - Mickey Mouse in Living Color (1937) but sadly, it's out of print. The other is Mickey's House of Villains (2002) and it doesn't appear to be, so I'll probably have to shoot to get that one. The Disney Treasures would be cooler, but darnit, I missed out.

Apparently they had a bunch of different movies for the viewer, but I think I only had the one. It was a great toy though and didn't require any batteries or anything to work. Brilliant. I showed my Love and he had one himself. He didn't remember the name of the movie any more then I did, but when I showed him the images, he knew exactly what I was talking about.

Talk about a walk down memory lane today. How awesome. It's funny as a "grown up" how much I want to re-see, re-experience or re-capture things that I loved as a kid. *chuckles*

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