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Sunday, July 04, 2004

Bah Fucking Humbug
I'm officially giving up on the 4th. Every single year for the last like six years, it's sucked. Flash floods, fireworks cancelled because of rain/lighting, technical problems with the launch, etc. This year we thought we might have a chance to get some tix for free to Disney World. Since our passes ran out last month, we of course haven't gone. Nor do we have the money to get new ones. We've been saving up. (Not that we've gotten very far mind.) That fell through. Tonight at just about the last minute we decided to try to see a small local city's display. Drove around, found a spot, walked to the waterfront. Were we soon found out the barge that was carrying the fireworks had problems and the show was now going to be at 10pm rather then 9pm. It was only 8:30pm. There's no way we wanted to stand around in an overcrowded park, sweltering in the heat and humidity, with no place to sit, waiting for another hour and a half for the show to go off. We got some smoothies, walked around a bit, and it was still only 9:05pm. We called it done and headed back home.

So. No damned fireworks for me yet again. I'm fucking pissed off to no end that it's always this difficult just to do something on this day. So fuck off. I'm done. I'm not going to try anymore and I'm wipping it off my calender. Bah fucking humbug.

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