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Friday, July 23, 2004

The Apartment Saga Continues
Day Seven of the Water Leak Saga...today the air control guy came out to get samples of the air both inside the bathroom and out to check for mold spores. It should be about five days for the results so by the end of next week or the beginning of the following, I'll know how things stand. He also said he's going to suggest they bring in some de-humidifiers to properly dry out the wall. He also recommended a re-testing in a couple weeks to ensure that the wall did dry properly and nothing grew.

I've enlisted some help in drafting a letter to give them which will demand they recoup my losses during this. Because it wasn't an "act of god" that caused me to have five days of flooding, but rather their negligence in not coming out to investigate the complaint (which would have revealed sooner the broken pipe), and that they had no intentions of coming out at all (they were going to simply ignore - er, "let it dry") the fact that I ruined six of my bath towels cleaning up the mess and two of my bath rugs that were in their is their responsibility. Let's not even get into the fact that we've not been able to use the damned bathroom for a week now (which is the entire reason we have a 2/2 - the extra bathroom), I'm really just steamed that I have to go buy new damned towels. I am not drying myself off with towels that soaked up the nasty shit that oozed out of our walls and ceiling, puddling on the floor for five days. Fuck that.

But you're damned skippy I'm not letting them slack on this. Wanna be a fucking bitch? Fine. I can play that game too. You're damned well not going to come out on top here though I assure you. If your building and your attitude makes my life hell, then I'm going to return it in spades.


So anyway....my eye has been killing me for two days now. Like when it hurts behind the eye the way it does when I get a migraine. Just that yesterday and today the migraine never came on, just the eye aching. The two days before that I had migraines though. Ugh. It's been a miserable week. Add to it the fact I've not been sleeping because I've been so stressed out over this whole water bullshit AND this week was you know, that time of the month and you can see where it's just been miserable. (Hence the distracting pictures of the Tabby Cat Mika.)

Hopefully things should pick up though. It's the weekend and we're going to WDW on Monday. A cast member there emailed me a few weeks ago and offered me some free tix. So we worked it out and we're going on Monday. I can't wait. Dole Whip, here I come.

So I'm trying to think about that rather then all the rest of the crap that's been going on. I just hope this all gets finished and sorted out soon. I'm sick of dealing with it. Disney couldn't come at a better time.

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