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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Apartment Management Hell
The long story short is that five days ago we had a flood in the bathroom. We assumed at the time that the toliet overflowed. Cleaned it up went on with our lives. Four days ago it happened again. Same thing. Three days ago it happened again and no one had used the toliet at all that day. We discover it's coming from the ceiling, not the toliet.

We call the managemet and tell them our roof is leaking. They add us to the list. (I later discover there's like six other people who had flooding in their apartments with the massive rain we'd been having.) They tell us that the roofers should be out the next day to fix it. Meanwhile, the ceiling is actively dripping in the main bathroom and the floor continues to puddle, it's that much water.

Next day comes. No one shows up. No roofers and no maintenence guys. We call them again. Hey, what the hell's going on? It's still dripping and it's getting worse and the wall is getting soggy and the paint's coming off the ceiling and it's flooding the wall between the bathroom and the little closet room where the w/d are. THAT wall is now soaked as well. They tell us the roofers are backed up because of the massive rain and they'll be out the following day.

That's today. They do in fact come out this morning. I hear them on the roof. But, by 2pm, I've still not seen the maintenence guys. Not once have they come to see what's going on in the bathroom, hall, w/d closet and now the little storage closet where the a/c and water heater are. So I go down to talk to them. I'm pissed they're not taking this seriously. It's been FIVE DAYS where it's actively dripping and I'm more then fed up with it. It's dripping inbetween the walls continuously and I'm worried that mold is going to start growing. And they've not come to the apartment once to even see it.

The manager is a fucking cunt. And that's not a word I use lightly, or ever. She treats me like shit. "What do you want me to do?" she says. Oh, I don't know, FIX IT. Her solution is to just wait and let it dry. LET IT DRY? When it's STILL dripping after five days, we've been living in filth and water and flooding and we've ruined our bath towels cleaning it up hour after hour AND when mold starts growing in 24-48 hours, you're solution is just "let it dry" ?!!

I'm fuming. I tell her I want something done. Even just send up some fans to dry the shit faster, anything. I storm out and cry at how nasty she treated me and how fed up with this fucking shithole.

The maintence guys come out about 20 minutes later. I get pissed because I'm sure she sent them by to placate me. Like I'm stupid or something and this will shut me up. They want to get into the attic. I have to empty out my damned master closet to get them access. They go up and there and low and behold, there's a fucking pipe joint that's damaged, has broken and is actively leaking. (This is not the first time one of these has gone; last year one went and flooded my master closet, coming damned close to ruining all my clothes in there.)

Fucking little piece of shit manager wanted to just go who knows how fucking long, without anyone looking at it, waiting for it to dry and then paint it over for me. Here's a clue you asswhipe, it would never have dried. And I would have sat there for days and days more and the situation would have only gotten worse, not better. Had I not bitched her out and demaned someone come by and they actually do their fucking job, things would have gone from bad to worse.

So they replaced the broken pipe joint. Mopped up the water that was the source of the leaking that was still going on. Shop vac'ed up the carpet and managed to stop the dripping.

I asked the maintenence guy when they would be out to check for mold. (Because the manager said after things dried, she'd have someone come out and do a check.) I damned well wasn't going to let them not do this just because they actually addressed the problem. It dripped all inbetween the wall and you know that's perfect breeding ground for mold. And fuck them, I'm not getting sick because they're cutting corners. He had to get back to me and said he's put in a call to their environmental company and will follow their proceedure at this point.

Damn skippy you will assholes.

And you know the mananger will never appologize for being utterly, completely and outrageously WRONG in this, in how she wanted to handle it and her so-called "solution" to my on-going water leak. I don't care though because I know and she knows that she's a fucking moron.

So, hopefully in a few days the mold people will be out. I'll make damned sure of it. And I will be getting a copy of the report. You better believe if there's a problem they are going to fix it or I'm going to talk to a lawyer. I'm sick of their bullshit. And I'm sick of their half-assed way of doing things. It's not my job to ensure I have healthy conditions in this building, it's theirs. And I'm going to hold them to it.

Fun week. Lots of headaches and stress. Not a lot of sleeping going on and now you know why. But at least something's been done and we're on our way to a resolution. No thanks to the manager.

just two of the many, many shots I took showing the damage that was done. and this doesn't even give a true look at how bad it was

Assholes. I fucking hate apartment complexes.

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