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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Shower Woes
In an effort to force some normallacy into both my journal and my life, I am refusing to write about anything odd. Instead, I'm writing a very mundane post about my shower head problems.

Ok, first off. Water in Florida SUCKS. Badly. It leads to horrible, dry and even scaley skin. It comes out orange and containes lime, rust, and more clorine then your swimming pool. So my old shower head was beyond disgusting. I'd used those "CLR" and related cleaners to try to unclog the jets and clean up the grossness of it - to no avail. It simply wouldn't come clean. So for months and months now I've needed a new shower head.

yeah, ew is right.

Sunday we went to Lowe's. And I found what I thought was a cool showerhead. It had a lot of options and looked like one of them was a more "rain" type spray. It also has some areated "champagne" spray that sounded neat. We set it up. And yesterday I took a shower. Or, well, tried to anyway.

First off, it is WAY too high. Rather then the head resting in it's cradle up at the top, it connects at the bottom. So it's so tall it's taller then my shower itself.

that would be my shower curtain bar you see in the foreground

Secondly, I have hardly any water pressure here. There's not much I can do about it being an apartment and all. But I never had that much trouble with it in the past. This new head though must require more water pressure then I can muster because it barely did anything. Instead of seven settings it was like two: low water and less then low water. Bah.

Third, the angle of the head added to the low water pressure means that there's about a 6-inch radius of water and that's it. Of course, that radius is pretty much ontop of the facet because you simply can't get it to spray diagonally - like towards the back wall of the shower - only straight down. This makes it exceptionally hard to, oh, you know, shower.

probably too generous in how far the water goes, but you can see the entire length of the stall and how there's no water going anywhere else

So, let's sum. Too tall (by a lot, like I need to stand on tippie-toes just to reach the damned thing); no water pressure so almost no actual water comes out of the shower head; covers only the smallest of spots with water. Ugh. It seems like if you had about three of them in your bath, mounted at different angles, and if you had a normal, or possibly large amount, of water pressure, it'd be cool. It calls itself a "spa" experience but if I went to a spa and got that, I'd want my money back. You can tell that if they worked, they'd feel nice. But seeing as they barely give off any water and the design of the head itself and it's angle is just horrid, I can't imagine anyone actually liking the product.

Back to Lowe's with a mangled box and only slightly used shower head in toe to exhange for hopefully something that works.

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