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Friday, June 18, 2004

See Sea Life
Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my mother and sister. We headed down to a little place called the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. They're a non-profit, working aquarium that helps in marine rescue and rehabilitation as well as providing a home for those animals either too sick or permanently injured to return to the wild. I had never been there before, though my mother and sister had. It's a small place, but nice and the people are very friendly. I got to see river otters (too cute!), all manner of turtles and fish, pet sting rays, and see their two resident dolphins. It was a nice day and I took a few photos (though sadly, many failed to come out due to taking them through glass or due to motion blur from needing to withhold the flash). You can see the little gallery of shots here. There's some really cute pics so I hope you enjoy.

I actually had a nice day, which was good because I woke up sick and exhausted. The night before I had broken down crying and couldn't stop for over a half an hour. My stomach was torn to shreds but getting out, seeing the animals and the good work they do there helped lift my spirits a bit. Despite the fact I had really not wanted to go out, I'm glad I did.

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