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Thursday, June 24, 2004

My head's been killing me the last couple days. Migraines. I think it's because it's, ya know, that time. And unfortunately, hormone fluxuations can cause them. Then, today I'm just exhausted for no reason. I just want to sleep. I've been dozing off uncontrollably all day. Though it's not helping my head. Bah.

Tomorrow I'll be covering at my friend Rand's company. They're moving from one building to another. Their phones and phone system will be down as they make the move. I will be answering a cell phone where all the lines will be forwarded to and taking handwritten messages. It should be an interesting day. *chuckles* I've been hearing rumors that I might be able to get in there on a permanent, part-time basis for months now so who knows? If I could get 25 hours a week, I might be able to even get health insurance - something you all know how desperately I need. We'll see how Friday goes and what their plans are from there. I covered for them last year and they all loved me, which is why they called me now.

Apparently, my last entry - with the Fae photo - was post number 1300. Sheesh. I babble a lot don't I? Funny to think how long I've been doing this now and how it started off as basically a whim. Now I get frustrated if I can't write to it at least every couple days. I really want to do a redesign because it's Summer now and this was the design I made for Spring. Just haven't had any ideas or real inspiration. I think the head hurting has been putting a damper on it.

Anyway, brief update for now.

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