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Sunday, June 27, 2004

More from Moore
I got back from seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 this afternoon. Wow. I just have to say it's a good, sad, funny, enlightening and overall powerful film. One I think everyone should see. At points, the audience laughed out loud at others, they applauded. The biggest screen in the multiplex was sold out. Twice. Two showings starting the same time filled to sold out. It was an odd mix of people, though there were far less 20-somethings then I would have wished. It brought out information I didn't know - and I consider myself relatively educated about the goings-on of the government. (I won't say expert, because I admit, there are many times that I simply have to stop listening or I'll go mad with the absurdity of it all day after day.) He certainly doesn't like Bush. But it's not so much a movie supporting anyone, it's a true documentry bringing connections, money, power and our political leaders into the spotlight. There are harsh and painful moments on the war; there are hysterical moments showing the sheer ignorance and stupidity of Bush; there are moments of shake-your-head-in-disbelief at what's been going on right under our noses. It's eye-opening at times and sadly familier at others. But it's well worth seeing.

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