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Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I'm Not Dead Yet!
...Though my pc was. *sighs* First my chip burnt out a couple weeks ago and my Love gave me his. Then Monday night, his burnt too. Leaving me sans pc. NO COMPUTER AT ALL. Not even just no net, no damned computer. Can you fathom how boring it is being stuck at your apartment for days with no car, no computer and nothing but the tv to keep you entertained? My stars, I was going crazy.

So.....it's back. With thanks to my friend Rand for a loaner chip to get us at least up again. Need to catch up on a ton of things so nothing else in the entry for the moment, just a note of where I've been.

Ta for now.

(Oh yeah, one more thing: Congrats Lightning!! 2004 Stanley Cup Winners! Whooo hoooo!)

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