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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Ok, none of them are world-class art shots, but here's a few of the pics I've taken of assorted things the last week on my new Nikon 3700. There's nothing intersting to photograph around my complex lately - unless you're interested in the never-fucking-ending construction that's been utterly annoying me for the last couple weeks. This weekend though I'll be out at Disney so I'll take some pics there which might be a little more artistic in nature. Meantime, here's a bit of a photo recap of my week.

one of the first pics I took - something very hard to photograph. It's a crytsal bracelet I made and it normally wrecks absolute havoc with a camera. My old camera's flash blew out the shot completely. This focused and created a beautiful, crisp shot. So much so it looks almost fake.

this is my Love's watch. bought it for him at xmas. anyway, it was maybe the third shot I took with the camera. full automatic, I was able to zoom in and get a great, detailed focus - to the point you could see the minute ticks and the scuffs he's gotten on it over the last six months.

this is the box of beads I got at the PO Box as a birthday gift. marked only from "K" next to it is a sorter box with some of the ones I've sorted out so far. and I've barely made a dent. it's the most massive (and heavy! did I mention heavy?) box of beads I've ever seen. thank you again.

and this is the adorable lit=tle mp3 player that came in the mail yesterday from felinevamp. it's hard to see just how little it is but it's the cutest thing. and it works in my car too with the cd adapter thingy. (we don't have a cd player installed, just a portable one, but it sucks and doesn't work well. this is way more convienent and doesn't skip!) thank you as well, you're too sweet!

So, like I said. Nothing too terribly interesting from a photographic standpoint (except the crystal bracelet which I just can't believe how clear it came out. man, I can finally take decent pics of my jewelry and maybe even sell some of it!) but still cool nonetheless, no?

I'm not going to mention the crappy game one tonight nor the fact that my head's been killing me all day. I'm just going to leave you with the pics and call it a night. Ta.

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