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Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Not much going on. Host had their very first outage problem since I joined in April tonight but everything's back up so we don't seem any worse for the wear.

Head's been bugging me. Always a problem this time of the month. Between hormone changes and needing to take painkillers for cramps (Aleve causes migraines for me but is the only thing that helps keep me mobile when my cramps and backpain get really bad like they do the first couple days), it's a juggle. Plus, I've just been over-tired lately. Not getting enough rest by half. Not sure if I'm going to be finishing with the temp job this week - originally, it was supposed to just be a two-week fill in (last and this week), but no one's said anything either way. (As usual, they never seem to let me know anything.) Though the owner was back today from his week vacation and they started me in on getting some more stuff done for them like lead tracking and some report information.

Working on some bead projects tonight beacuse the owner's wife asked me about what I did and said to bring some in tomorrow. Um, ok, cool. Just didn't have a lot of bracelets on hand and apparently that's what she likes. Lately I've been making a lot of necklaces - and more specifically, the memory wire ones. Right now I'm thrilled though because with my new digital camera I should actually be able to take pics of things that have been sitting around here for months now. Before I could never get shots so I never put them on the site. Now it shouldn't be so hard.

We missed the American Idol show last night (hockey) but watched the results show tonight. All I can say is I'm glad that fake-ass bitch Diana didn't win. Go Fantasia! *chuckles* Of course, as much as I like Fantasia, LaToya was even more talented then she was so it was crap she got booted off. Yeah, we - my Love AND I both - have been watching this season. We both watched the first season but didn't watch the second. This one though we did and enjoyed ourselves despite the fact that they kept voting off talented people and leaving losers go on too long. Oh well. What do you expect from 14 year old's voting?

So......das boot. Gonna pack up my jewelry items and call it a night. Ta.

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