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Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Construction Pics
Since they're not out there today I snapped a couple shots just to show you what I mean. It's WAY worse when they're here because it's like being in the middle of a contractor war zone - I kid you not! Nails, wood, slivers of wood, wires, equiptment, ladders, etc. EVERYWHERE. Not to mention the guys all look a little too happy when I walk out there to check my mail. I guess I'm better to look at then rotting wood. *chuckles*

Small pics, but you get the idea.

My newly replaced balcony - some people's entire balcony including the "floor" are being replaced. Mine was just the railing.

Part of an entire wall replaced along the side of the building. There's new planks like this everywhere along the building, some in large sections.

Like this... See how much they had to replace? That's the ground floor apartments right below us. I took this looking down from my landing next to my door.

Anyway, makes me worry over what else is wrong and what caused the fire under their asses to do this. I have never seen such a large-scale project being done like this at an apartment before. I have a sneaking suspicion that they failed an inspection or something. They might have been told they'll be condemed or something if they don't get this in order in x number of days. Because they've just been going at it. It's actually odd not to see them here today. That's how busy they've been. Somedays they're working on two buildings at once. Just odd.

Anyway, there you have it.

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