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Friday, May 28, 2004

Black and White and Late All Over
So, turns out two people ordered penguins! from me this week. Cool! Only bad thing is that I never got the email of the order from PayPal, so they've been sitting there since the 22nd and the 26th. D'oh! Anyway, I emailed both and apologized for the delay in reply and promised to send them out ASAP. So I have sold two more penguins! I think it brings my grand total of sold ones up to like...um...five and I think another four I've given as gifts. *lol* Oh well, it's a start.

bring home a penguin of your very own!

Viva Friday
I'm so happy it's Friday. And even happier it's a 3-day weekend. Actually been kinda busy this week at the temp job. They're giving me more things to do and more responsibility. Including a login to pull credit reports for leads. We're setting up this whole new system of tracking the leads and such and I've been working hard ironing out exactly how it should all work and learning the other things that the loan officers used to do but now I'll do (such as pulling the credit, packaging out the applications, etc.) Much less an observer now and much more of a participant.

Work to Continue!
I asked the owner point-blank yesterday if I they still needed me next week or if they had only wanted me for the two weeks as he originally mentioned in April. He seemed surprised and said that yeah, they definately still needed me if I was available. I made it clear I was for as long as he needed the help. It seemed like he had almost forgotten I was technically only there as a temp. Good thing though is that it's at least a little more incoming money to look forward to. We can certainly use it.

Weekend Warriors
Tomorrow, we have Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals to watch. We're heading over to my friend Rand's to watch it on his widescreen, HD tv. Should be cool. Sunday, we're all heading out to Disney because he still has one day left he needs to use on his ticket and this is the last weekend for him to do it.

Speaking of Disney and Disney Tickets....
I still never managed to sell the two damned Disney tickets I have. Who knew it'd be this hard to give someone an excellent deal on two tix? I mean really people. And I'm doubley pissed because some ass at my Love's work originally said he'd buy them two weeks ago at $75-80 but didn't want to pay for them out of that check. Meanwhile I don't try to sell them. I don't put them on ebay. It's only THIS week that he's hedging. Then he only wants to pay $55 for them. (Less then ONE day's admission!) Then he doesn't want them at all. So now I'm fucked. He totally fucked me over. And my Love defended him. Bullshit. He committed to them two weeks ago and I held them for him. That makes him an ass in my book. Had this been on ebay, he'd have been a non-paying bidder. And everyone would clearly see that it's wrong. But somehow, because he's my Love's "friend" (nice friend), it's not his fault he fucked me out of selling them. Bah. I guess I'll try to sell them at the gate and see if I can get something - anything - for them. At this point, with them expiring on June 4th (next Friday), it's far too late to list them on ebay. This whole situation stinks.

And then there were beads.
Got some new stuff made the other night. AND, was able to take some cool pics of my jewelry with my new camera. Ooh, so excited. I can finally actually post items on PhoenixFire Designs and hopefully even sell some stuff. Who knew? Novel concept right? Anyway, I'll be working on updating that with more cool things. I make pretty stuff; it'll be great to finally actually be able to show some of it off!

Bolding each sub-topic
Eh, why not. Anyway, my eyes are killing me. They feel like they do when I'm getting a migraine coming on. I think it might be from it being the end of my cycle. It seems there's a weird hormonal shift at the end but before I get back on the next week's pill and right then, I tend to get a lot of migraines with a lot of regularity. Blah. So the monitor watching isn't feeling that nice. It's my cue to exit. Ta.

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