wishlist and mailing address

Friday, April 02, 2004

Yeah for people resolving to the new host! Now hopefully when I get home I will be too so I can see my own site! *laughs*

Today I actually did some work at my temp job. Imagine that! The owner wanted to set up an excel sheet to track the incoming leads and then to have a mail merge letter in word pull from the excel sheet and create follow-up letters. Many revisions to the letter later, a reboot, installing a new printer and not yet understanding why word on this machine crashes when you try to print mulitple merge letters, we did create our first letter today successfully and it's ready to go out in the mail. The whole multiple-page-crash-word thing needs to be resolved but I have a feeling it's just this shitty pc and all it's corrupted, garbage files on here from the nine people before me who installed everything under the sun on it.

Beyond that, ugh. Been bad with the headaches again. Right now my head is starting to feel like splitting open. Last night it was hurting and the night before I had to go to bed with a migraine ice on my forehead because I could feel the migraine was just going to come on full if I didn't do something. Think it's a combination of being under these damned bright florescent lights which really hurt, I gotta say, I feel every moment under them, and not getting enough sleep. Plus my neck's been all screwed up lately and that's leading to worsening of my head. Oh it's just a vicious cycle. My neck hurts leading to migraines which keep me from sleeping well which leads to my neck hurting....on and on.

These lights though. Fuck, I can't take them.

Anyway, it's almost one so I'm going to pack up to head out. Maybe I'll go home and try to take a nap. Ah...nap.... ciao for now.

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