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Sunday, April 25, 2004

Took a claritin yesterday so I could breathe. As always, it utterly and completely prevented me from sleeping last night. I thought I might have avoided the problem because it didn't make me shaky during the day like normal, but nope, I was up the entire fucking night.

And now today my nose is a non-stop torent of mucus and sneezing. Fuck this is miserable. Sure I could take another claritin and get some relief but I don't think I can take another night of tossing and turning. Though it's a close call with as much as my nose is utterly pissing me off.

How is there this much damned snot in my body??? And why does it insist upon coming out in thick, disgusting clumps? Arrrg.

I've already decided that there's no way in hell I'm getting up and heading into the temp job tomorrow. Fuck it. I've got a damned cold and I'm sick, miserable, achy and pissed off. Bah. Stupid damned wasted weekend.

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