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Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Show me the singers!
Apparently, fox is pushing Americal Idol to wednesday just so people can have the option of watching the Shrub. Joy. Let's see...a choice between Dubya or American Idol? Damn, that's an easy choice; I'd watch American Idol in a heartbeat. Of course, I watch it anyway (yeah, yeah, shut up. I'm in good company.) but man....there's already things I watch on Wednesday and nothing worth seeing on Tuesdays. Damned Bush taking up the airwaves. Ass.

I look just like Buddy Holly....
I'm listening to the radio on the drive in this morning and they're talking about this top ten videos of the 90's on M2. I guess they had a list of the most influencial videos but the co-host guy couldn't remember all of them. They ask the listeners to call in if they saw the show and fill in the blanks. They get down to the last one they're missing and someone calls in with the answer. It's that Wheezer song, Holly Berry or whatever it's called.. Mwahahaha. (Needless to say the DJ's laughed at her as well.)

This is not a real title
I dunno. I figured I had to add something else. But I'm out of material. It's 12:20pm, so I've got about 40 minutes to go. The first part of the day went by quickly - I had about thirty leads to enter and print up (I also hand address the envelopes so that helps take up more time too). Beyond that though, it's been really quite and, as usual, not much going on. Just waiting to get out of here. (Also as usual.) It's weird how long four hours can really feel.

This morning, we stopped for gas on the way to taking my Love into work and put $10 in the tank. I was so thrilled to see just how far our $10 went, giving us a whole 5.6 gallons of gas. Joy. That helps. *sighs* It's damned hard to get by when you can't even afford gas to get to-and-from work, you know? Sheesh.

Guess I'm just still feeling low. Seems to happen a lot again, despite the fact I was hoping I'd cheer up a bit from working and bringing in a little extra money. So far, it's just not helping so I guess it feels futile and that's why I'm not feeling better about myself for it. It's just hard. Depression and I go a long way back. In fact, I don't ever recall not being this way. Probably just one more fucked up legacy from my childhood.

Wow. Pitty party me today. I'm going to stop. No one wants to hear about any of this and no one needs to know how broken I really am under my jovial - albeit sarcastic - veneer. Drive through please.

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