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Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Not any better. Was up all night sick, coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose, my eyes running, my ears ringing, feverish and...! for the fun highlight, throwing up (an empty stomach) at 6am. Joy of joys. (Did I mention that it's also that time of the month this week, so in addition to everything else, I'm crampy too?) It was one of the longest, most hellish nights I can ever remember.

Called my mom. (What else do you do when you're sick and you're not getting better and your S.O. is away at a conference and not easily reachable? You call your mom of course.) Told her what's been going on. She called a dr and made an appointment for me at 3pm today. The hope is that maybe I can get some antibiotics because obviously, things aren't working with just plenty of fluids, cold medication and rest. I'm simply not getting better and I've been sick since Friday and missed two days of work so far and who knows when I'll be well enough to go back? At least this way, I'll have seen a doctor and things should get better. At least I hope they get better. I really can't take this horrible sickness much longer - especially alone like this. Fuck.

In brighter news, today is the one-year anniversary of bringing home Mika from the SPCA. We're using the day we brought her home as her birthday.

her pic on the spca website

Aw...She's such a cutie. Since she was about three-ish when we adopted her, I've made this her fourth birthday. She's probably more like four-and-a-half technically, but what girl doesn't want a little bit taken off her age? *grins* I wanted to pick her up some tuna or something as a special treat for her, but with being so sick and too dizzy and stuff to drive (hence the help from the mom), I might have to miss out on her first anniversary with us. That sucks. Just another reason why being sick is miserable. Bah.

So anyway, I need to go and try to clean up at least a little bit. I'm a toxic waste dump right now (as is the apartment but there's just no way I feel well enough to clean it) and my mom will be here in a little over an hour to take me to the dr. Gods I hope I feel better soon. This is just hell. I can't remember when I was last this sick for this long. I'm so ready to feel halfway human again.

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